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Wildflower Cream Adhesive Remover is used to gently remove the adhesive from the natural lash without damaging it. The texture is nice and thick so it will not seep into the eye or onto the skin while processing. 

How to use: 

1. Tape down or apply gel pads (or both) to bottom lashes. Be sure client feels no discomfort and no part of their eyeball is exposed. Make sure to tell your client to NOT open eyes at any point once remver has been applied until you have removed and cleaned their eyes.

2. Apply cream remover to bonded area using a clean disposable tool such as a disposable lipstick wand. Let remover sit on lash area for 5 minutes.

3. Check with either application wand plus one more application wand by sandwhiching wands together over lashes and very gently pulling away from client's face. DO NOT pull hard. If the extension don's slip off almost effortlessly, give them a few more minutes. With heavy volume sets, more adhesive may have been used and in that case, go ahead and repeat step 2 again.

4. Remove tape/pads from under eye using tweezers.

5. Wash eye area WELL! 2 or 3 times never hurt anyone. you want to be absolutely sure all remover has been removed/washed away before the client opens their eyes.

6. Be prepared to hear your client tell you how weird they think they look without their extensions on. 


Don't Leaf Me, 12g

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